Flake-out Friday–Sit on it

For those of you who are Star Trek The Next Generation fans, you may have noticed how Commander Riker sits…or maybe you haven’t. I gotta admit, I haven’t watched a lot of the TV episodes, though have seen the movies and never really paid attention. When I saw this clip posted on someone’s Facebook wall, I definitely chuckled. How had I not picked that up before?


So, have you noticed this? Ever try it?

What’s the most awesomest way someone has sat down?

Flake-Out Friday–Honest Trailers

OMG, have you seen any of the Honest Trailer vids on YouTube? I watched the Harry Potter one that a FB friend had linked, then spent the next two hours looking at other ones.

Here are my favorites (the riffs on actor names are FAB!):

Harry Potter

Lord of the Rings


(Sorry the vids aren’t embedded; when I pasted the embed code, it all changed to Iron Man 2, LAME.)

Flake-out Friday–True Facts

A few weeks ago, author Mary Lindsey (of Shattered Souls and Ashes on the Waves fame) posted a link to a YouTube video, True Facts About the Tarsier.

I clicked the link and am SO glad I did. The narrator had me guffawing, fo riz.

I’d like to share that vid and another of my favorites: True Facts About the Angler Fish–It’s HIL-ar-i-OUS!

…what a pretty, pretty lady… 😉

What are some of your favorite YouTube videos?

Flake-out Friday–Upheaval

Hey gang!

I wanted to direct you to the lovely February Grace’s blog, where she’s hosting me for an interview today. THANK YOU, February, for having me!

If you check it out, you may get to see a snippet of NEW PRIDE’s cover!!!!! 😉

And do check out Bru’s FABulous novel GODSPEED. Did I mention it’s fabulous? ‘Cause it is! (I adore how February combined steampunk, romance, and victorian-esque historical elements into a rich, engaging plot.)

Hey, as a special bonus, I’ll GIVE AWAY an electronic copy of GODSPEED to one lucky commenter on today’s post!


For today’s post, I wanted to comment on the ups and downs of publishing. Gosh, can they be drastic or what?

Just last week, I went from losing a publishing deal (the press that was going to pub ENDURE shut down), to hearing that a publisher wanted to talk on the phone about my middle grade adventure ZODIAC COLLECTOR! (Fingers crossed!)


What kinds of ups and downs have you guys faced?


Psst, in case you missed Wednesday’s post, I’m gathering peeps for a Release Day Blitz for my novelette NEW PRIDE. Please refer there to see how to help, if you’re so inclined. THANK YOU!!!

Flake-out Friday–Show and Tell

There’s a ton of books out there, people. (I know, I know, understatement of the century, right?) It can be hard to know which books to read and in what order. I rely, in part, on recommendations from my writerly buddies.

Lately, I’ve been reading a combination of traditionally pubbed novels and indie pubbed novels. Most recently, I’ve read TRANSCEND, by Christine Fonseca, THE NAME OF THE STAR, by Maureen Johnson, TO RIDE A PUCA, by Heather McCorkle, and TIMEPIECE, by Myra McEntire.

ALL FABULOUS BOOKS! I’d recommend each and every one of them.

How about you, friends? What books have you read recently that you’d recommend? Please list them in the comments!

Happy reading!

Flake-out Friday–A Good Cause

My dear friend, Jen Bates, is running in the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in January 2013.

The marathon is 39.3 miles, over the course of 2 days. WOWEE!

Right now, she’s collecting donations in support of this worthy cause.

I’m helping her spread the word because I think she’s doing a FANTABULOUS thing–it takes months to train for this and she gets up at o’dark thirty like every day to run.

Every dollar counts, so if you find it in your heart to pitch in, please go to her page on the St. Jude site.



What charities do you guys think are doing good work?

Flake-out Friday–The Fan Girl Scream Edition

Last Friday, I went to NYC to meet with my publicist. I also got to meet a group of wonderful authors from Entangled Publishing. AND I GOT TO HANG OUT WITH JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT! (Yes, I fan girl screamed, but I warned her and it really wasn’t that loud because we were at the Harvard Club and I had to maintain some semblance of decorum, right?)

In the midst of “media training,” I got to chat with the other authors and learn all about the work they are doing.

You know what?

I kind of felt like a tribute from The Hunger Games heading to Capitol City. Seriously. I had to wear make up, dress nice, and do an interview IN FRONT OF A VIDEO CAMERA! (AND the food was FAB!) LOL!

Really though, I was totally put at ease by the group.

Not only are writers friendly and supportive online, but they are also friendly and supportive in REAL LIFE!

Gotta say, it was a totally uplifting experience.

Tell me, gang, any of you have an awesome experience with other authors? PLEASE SHARE. 🙂

Oh, and here’s a picture of me in The Algonquin. I understand it’s been a place for authors to hang out for decades. What a way to start off my debut adventure!