Flake-out Friday–BLOGIVERSARY!!!!

Wow. I’ve been blogging for ONE YEAR! My, my, how time flies!!!

(Thank you, internet search for “blogiversary” for such great pics!)

To celebrate, I’m having a super-fun, hopefully interactive, giveaway. You see, I found this super cute ornament at the Yankee Candle Flagship Store in Deerfield, MA a couple weeks ago and automatically thought of my writer peeps, blog buddies, and writerly pals.

The ornament is approx 4 inches long, 3 inches tall, and 2 inches wide. It’s hard to see, but there’s glitter on the wings and horns.

Here’s how to enter the contest if you’d like to have this charming little guy (or gal) grace your home:

  • 3 points for: Use your creativity and NAME and develop a SHORT bio (like a sentence or two is fine!) for the dragon–he or she needs a name and story, right?
  • 3 points for: blogging about the contest.
  • 1 point for Tweeting the contest.
  • 1 point for Facebooking the contest.
  • 1 point for following my blog (either via subscription or NetworkBlogs).

Feel free to tally the number yourself.

The contest will run for ONE WEEK–It ENDS November 5, 2010 at MIDNIGHT EST! Then, a winner will be selected by random.org.

Thanks for celebrating with me!

17 comments on “Flake-out Friday–BLOGIVERSARY!!!!

  1. Doris says:

    Happy Blogiversary!!!! That’s awesome!


  2. Ciara Knight says:

    What a cute ornament. I’m in the game but unable to concentrate right now to write a bio. Sick child resting in my lap moaning stifles creativity. Have a great weekend!

  3. Lindsay says:

    Okay, just wanted to give a huge squee and say HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!

  4. Lindsay says:

    And I created a new word…I think that speaks for my lack of sleep. Doh…blogiversary!

  5. Happy Blogiversary to you,
    Happy Blogiversary to you…

    May there be many more years of fruitful blogging to come!

  6. Happy blogiversary! What a fun contest! I collect dragons, so I need to make a real effort here.

    Verdigris is a fairy dragon who lives in the crown of an oak tree. He mimics their leaves as they change colors from green to gold, and in winter he curls up tight against the bark, where he’s practically invisible. If you catch him, he’ll grant you a wish – as long as it involves making acorns sprout into strong oaks.

    3 + 1 for following, and I plan to blog about your contest on Sunday. 🙂

  7. Lydia K says:

    OMG, has it already been a year! Time flies.
    I’ll put your contest up on my side bar, no points for that, don’t worry.
    Here’s my dragon shpiel:

    My name is Grenadine. Like the syrup. I know it’s red syrup, and I’m green, by Ma was into names, and not definitions (she used the dictionary as my birthday candle when I was one).
    I am looking for a soulmate that can deal with my upkeep. This gilt on my wings? That takes a lot of salon visits, my friend! I’d prefer someone fire-proof, good sense of humor, and would be willing to have a joint gold account with no prenup, because I’d burn it up anyway. And I owe a LOT on my Amex gold card right now. Email me at firemeup(at)gmail(dot)com.

  8. The dragon is very attractive and inspiring. I will be watching. I saw the first bio, I think the first, by Deb Salisbury. Very creative! Blessings to you…

  9. angela says:

    Huge congrats on the anniversary! I love this little guy–he’s so cute! He reminds me of something from my childhood…I think my grandma had one that looked a bit like this.

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  10. Lynn Rush says:

    Woot!!! Happy Anniversary! I love your blog. It’s great fun. 🙂 My brain’s on vacation right now, but good luck to all who enter the drawing for the ornament.

    Sure is cute. 🙂

  11. Happy Blogiversary! You are awesome. 🙂

  12. Happy Blogiversary, Laura! 😀

  13. elisajeglin says:

    Happy blogiversary! I shall be back with my own entry. ;p

  14. Marieke says:

    Congratulations! Happy blogiversary! 😀

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