Fae Books 4K Giveaway!

Sarah Fae is a writer, blogger, reviewer, tat lover, animal lover, all around FAB gal. She’s hosting a 4000 follower giveaway and it. Is. AWESOME.

Click HERE for deets–there’s tons of items on the list, including an ecopy of ENDURE! Be sure to sign up!

The giveaway ENDS on: Friday 20th September 2013 12:00am UK Time.


Psst, I got to see a sneak peek at the cover for ZODIAC COLLECTOR, my YA pararom with Spencer Hill Press! I’m SO stoked to show you guys–hopefully soon!

Winner Wednesday

With great excitement, I’d like to announce the WINNERS from my Announcement post and from my Author Shout Out post.

*drum roll please*

Winners of a book of your choice PLUS a three chapter critique:

Jamie Ayres

Elizabeth Arroyo

Donna Hole

Winner of CREATING FATE by Rachel Firasek:




To claim your prize, please email me at: laurabdiamond@yahoo.com

Mental Health Monday–A Better Pain Chart

When patients are admitted to the hospital, their vital signs are checked at regular intervals. Vital signs include blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and percent oxygenation of the blood. A fifth vital sign includes rating pain on a scale of 0-10. Since pain is such a subjective thing, the scale includes pictures to help the rater identify where they lie on the scale.

Pain Measurement Scale (CLICK THE LINK TO SEE PIC)


A better pain chart has been made and it’s circling around the interwebz like crazy. So I thought I’d share it with all y’all.

A Better Pain Chart (CLICK LINK TO SEE PIC)


I deleted the pic to avoid copyright infringement, so I’ll paraphrase the scale…

0: No pain

1: Not sure if I’m in pain

2: Just need a band-aid

3: Distressed; don’t like what’s happening

4: Pain is not effing around

5: Why is this happening to me???

6: Ow. Pain is super legit right now

7: I see Jesus coming for me and I’m scared

8: Pain is disturbing. I may be dying

9: I am almost definitely dying

10: I am actually being mauled by a bear

11: Blood will explode out my face any moment

Too Serious for Numbers: You probably have ebola. It appears you may also be suffering from stigmata and/or pinkeye

Quite useful, isn’t it?

Don’t forget to check out my GIVEAWAY posts. There’s a week left to enter!

Click HERE to see my announcement and book + 3 chapter crit giveaway (just leave a comment to enter)

Click HERE to check out Rachel Firasek’s new novella and get a chance to win it (just leave a comment)

Contest Alert!

Got word of some exciting contests happening this week, so I thought I’d post ’em here! (For whatever reason, I can’t get the link’s to work…working ones are on my blogroll to the right!)

Pay It Forward Critique Contest @ Elana Johnson, Young Adult Author’s blog: http://elanajohnson.blogspot.com/


Shelli Johannes-Well’s blog, Market My Words: Marketing Mardi Gras Giveaway Week! @: http://faeriality.blogspot.com/

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And we all remember the Choose Your Own Adventure series from childhood, right? Well, John Sankovich (guest blogger for What Happens Next? You Decide!) has his own series titled: You can’t call them zombies! Check it out, vote, leave a comment, be a part of the action! Here’s the link: http://johnsankovich.blogspot.com/2010/02/you-cant-call-them-zombies_15.html

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Contest Fever..Do You Know the Signs and Symptoms?

UPDATE (1/8/10): Shooting Stars has added MORE prizes! Check it out before it’s too late!!!


A thirty one year old single woman enters Emergency Room with a chief complaint of “I have contest fever!”

The ER staff gasps and grabs the nearest supply of masks and gloves. Contest Fever is highly contagious and once one person has it, several dozens are sure to develop symptoms within the next several hours if proper precautions are not put in place.

Here’s what to look out for to identify if you, too, have Contest Fever:

It starts with a simple chill, then develops into a rush of excitement followed by butterflies in the stomach and shivers down your spine. After several seconds, these symptoms are followed by shaky hands syndrome, shortness of breath, and heart racing. It causes the effected person to make numerous typos and speak in stilted sentences. This may make communication difficult, further hindering proper evaluation and diagnosis.

The only treatment of Contest Fever should you encounter or experience it: Entering the contest!


I have been a member of Query Tracker since June 2009. During that time, I have learned how to interact with others via the Internet (though I’m young in years, I’m old in techno-anything) to foster relationships with writers, and to brush up my query letter, synopsis, and first five pages. As with all things, the savvier I get, the more comfortable I am with branching out and exploring my surroundings. So, in November, I left my cozy nest and ventured out into cyberspace. Firstly, I started a blog. Then, I entered a couple of Young Adult writing contests, one of which left me humbly surprised and thoroughly ecstatic!

Positive reinforcement is a wonderful thing. Once that shiny reward is handed to me, I want to do more. So, as I make my rounds of checking on blogs, websites, and all things writing, I keep a special eye out for more contests. ‘Cuz they’re fun!!

Thanks to the fantastic community at Query Tracker, and a helpful post there, I found out that another innovative contest is on!

Click, click and there it is:   Shooting Stars: Suzette and Bethany’s Wicked-Awesome Prizes Contest!

Follow the link below to explore all the contest-y goodness.


Additional info:

The Prizes (for a total of five winners):

1) Two Query Critiques

2) Two First Five Page Critiques

3) One Inscribed/Autographed copy of The Dark Divine

To enter this contest there are two things you must do.

1) Be a follower of Shooting Stars blog (in the sidebar on the right)

2) Post about this contest on your own blog (not just a mention, an actual post.)

To earn more entries you can do the following:

1) Tweet about the contest with a link to this blog

2) Link to the contest on Facebook or MySpace (i.e. paste it in your status)

3) Mention this contest in a forum (such as Absolute Write or the QueryTracker Forum.)

Best of luck to all entrants!!!