The Indie LIfe to me means COMMUNITY.

The act of writing itself can be very solitary and when we’re alone in our heads for any extended period of time, we may lose perspective. Those doubts (they like to hide in shadows and attack when you’re alone) can run rampant.

Connecting with other Indie writers/authors allows me to extend outside of myself, commiserate with others going through the same challenges, and network/learn how to navigate the complicated publishing industry.

Being part of something keeps me going.

How about you?

What do you think about the Indie Community?


Here’s some info on how you can get involved in the Indie Life:

Starting January 2013, the Indelibles started hosting a monthly feature called INDIE LIFE. Modeled after Alex Cavanaugh’s awesome Insecure Writer’s Group, this will be a chance for indie authors to post about indie life, find each other, offer support, encouragement, news, helpful hints, and anything else that makes life as an indie author a little easier.

What is Indie Life?
How: Sign up on the Linky CLICK HERE
When: Post on the second Wednesday of the month (started 1/9/2013)
What: Write anything indie related: something that will inspire or help a fellow indie; something that celebrates a release or a milestone; something that talks about the ups and downs, joys and heartaches of Being Indie.
Grab: The banner above to include in your posts!

Because being Indie doesn’t have to mean going it alone.

14 comments on “INDIE LIFE = COMMUNITY

  1. Yes! The writing community whether online or at conferences is incredible. I don’t know what I’d do without them. 🙂

  2. Sandra Ulbrich Almazan says:

    The whole point of writing is to communicate with others, so it’s even better when you find people you can talk to about your writing!

  3. roguemutt says:

    I suppose someone would have to give a shit about anything I say for that to matter.

  4. E.Arroyo says:

    I think finding community with other writers is very important to the journey. I’d go nuts without them. =)

  5. I have my guest posts on Wednesdays. GAH! I want to do this … but don’t want to take away focus from my guests that day. Bugger bum!

  6. Tyrean says:

    I just joined today. I think that we need community even when, or most especially when, we are indie. Thanks!

  7. So glad you’ve joined us!!

  8. Hi, Laura,
    I’ve met a lot of other indie writers who are helpful and full of advice. I’ve learned so much for them in a short time.

  9. Such a great idea. When your indie you need the support of each other since agents and editors are not playing closer roles.

  10. Nick Wilford says:

    Definitely! It’s not an easy road by any means and we need all the support we can get! Also it’s good to pass on knowledge to others.

  11. Wonderful post! So true we need interaction with other like ourselves.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    Found you through the Indie Life.

  12. Leigh Moore says:

    Having writer-friends is one of the most vital things we can do for ourselves. This is a hard, lonely business. I’m thankful for good friends like you~ :o) ❤

  13. Heidig says:

    The Indie Community is what inspires me, motivates me, and keeps me going:)

  14. You are absolutely right, Laura. We need to cling to our “community” because very often no one around us can understand what it’s like to do what we do. If I were ever to give up writing, I think I would miss my writer friends more than the writing. I’m not currently in a place where I can take on much more, but am so glad others will have an avenue or outlet. I wish everyone well with this. 🙂


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