Indie Life Equals Freedom





What is Indie Life?
How: Sign up on the Linky (link below)
When: Post on the second Wednesday of the month (starting 1/9/2013)
What: Write anything indie related: something that will inspire or help a fellow indie; something that celebrates a release or a milestone; something that talks about the ups and downs, joys and heartaches of Being Indie.
Grab: The banner above to include in your posts!

Because being Indie doesn’t have to mean going it alone.
Is it the second Wednesday of the month already???
One of the most liberating things about being Indie is the flexibility. Want to publish a full length stand alone novel? Go for it! What about a serial, with new “episodes” being released every couple of weeks? Go for it! How about taking turns writing in different genres? Middle grade, young adult, new adult, adult–bam, bam, bam: Do it!
The thing about being Indie is that authors are not pigeon holed into typecast roles. Indie authors create their own persona, branch out in whatever area interests them, and they break the mold.
How cool is that???
Join me Friday, July 12, 2013 as I celebrate the release of my YA Dystopian, ENDURE! I’ll have buy links available AND a trailer!!!
(I’d be quite pleased if you’d be so kind as to Tweet, FB, post, and pimp to your heart’s content! Also, if you decide to read ENDURE, please consider posting an honest review on Amazon, B&N, and/or Goodreads. THANK YOU!!!!) 

4 comments on “Indie Life Equals Freedom

  1. Rinelle Grey says:

    I love the freedom of being an indie! And being able to write in any genre, and in any way that I like. Good luck with your book release! How exciting.

  2. Congratulations!!!
    Great post too!

    I’ll put a shout out on my blog for Friday!

  3. Congrats on your upcoming release!

  4. Cannot. Wait. for ENDURE. You hooked me with that story on WriteOnCon years ago. *Grabby hands*

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