“T” is for Time for another blog chain post!

Margie starts off another blog chain round with this fabulous question:

“How do you get in the mindset of your genre? Do you research people or facts? Do you just reach into the recesses of your mind for events that would make a good story? Something else?”

I guess the way I get in the YA or MG mindset is to picture my character and his or her world. I’m not one to do character sheets and stuff (and I don’t do a lot of research–tsk, tsk), but I do ponder/imagine what it’s like for them to be in school, deal with siblings and parents, navigate growing up, and managing relationships.

I think it helps that I work in the field of psychiatry because it forces me to be imaginative and “walk a mile in another person’s shoes.” (Maybe that counts as research, eh?) It takes practice to see the world through another person’s eyes, but it certainly helps when I’m “pretending” to be a character and interacting in their world.

(Gosh, I hope that made sense, LOL!)

So, how do you get into your genre’s mindset?

Stay tuned for Sarah’s post tomorrow to see how she gets into her genre!

16 comments on ““T” is for Time for another blog chain post!

  1. I do research, but I pull many of my fantasy scenes from my travels to exotic lands. I am also a visual artist, so I see pictures in my head that I only need to describe and put down in words.

    Many comments from my blogger buddies have described several of my posts as painting with words. So I guess it works for me.

    Have a great weekend and holiday, Laura.

  2. kendallgrey says:

    I don’t so much get in the mindset of the “genre” as I do the mindset of the “character.” When I’m writing, I do my best to “become” the character. I know, a lot like acting, but that’s how I tackle it. Works for me.

  3. Linda Gray says:

    If it’s a tough one–very different from my own life and time, lots of research first, including reading at least one novel/nonfiction book about that time and place. Then meditation, meditation, meditation! (just an intense form of imagining, which does take practice, but so worth it). In the meditation, my character(s) and their story blossom in the context of the novel.

  4. You make perfect sense to me. I also like to imagine what it’s like for my characters. I walk thought scenes over and over in my mind pretending to be each character.

    I also do research when I need to. For instance, I’ve only been on a horse a couple times, but my characters in my current project ride, so I’ve talked to riders, read about horsie things, and watched videos on YouTube.

  5. Trisha says:

    I’ve never really thought about it before…but I guess I just do what you do – imagine myself in their world.

  6. Elle Strauss says:

    for the most part, I reach into the recesses of my mind, remembering my own teen angst, reading a lot of similar books and imagining my character’s situation and characteristics. There’s always some research involved to develop the story and I think that helps to define the character as well.

  7. HI!!! How’s your writing coming along? Thanks for such an inspirational post. You always have something wonderful going on over here.


    Happy Easter!


  8. Hey LB! You’re #1111 on the Challenge list – how cool is that?
    I’ll watch a science fiction movie or TV show to get me in the mood.
    Hope you’re enjoying the Challenge!

  9. deniz says:

    I usually see/feel the character first, and then the world expands as I start researching the time and place. I try to have the kernel of the story and the character’s main motivation before I start research, though, since I don’t want to be tainted by anything in the original act of creation. Well, beyond whatever influences and inspirations are already in my mind!

  10. Michelle H. says:

    I ponder about people too, about their lives. But I haven’t put anyone into one of my MS. Don’t know why…

  11. […] sure to stop by lbdiamond’s blog to see how she answered this […]

  12. Fun posting today. I’m visual and images will spark ideas for me–whether for characters or stories.

  13. Christine Fonseca says:

    I totally get this answer – of course, also working in the mental health field probably helps!

  14. […] more on the topic, you can check out Laura’s post a few days ago and Abby’s post […]

  15. I bet being in that field helps a bunch. Almost makes me envious.

  16. Kat says:

    I would love to be in your field of work because of the different problems and issues you surely encounter everyday.

    And yes, you’re post makes perfect sense. 🙂

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